
Yep, at some point during my stay in New York I realized I’ve been working in consulting for … ta-daaa … 15 years. That reminded me of the man I met more than a decade ago, somewhere around San Diego while waiting to have the oil changed at the service station. I’d say he was about the […]

Audio streamer for cheapskates

Straight from the “Too much free time” category. A year or so ago my Logitech Squeezebox (the original version) died which pissed me off quite a bit since that was one of the more useful gadgets in the house. It was streaming internet radio as well as the media library from the PC. As if […]

Confession of the scared tourist

If you poke around the internet looking for terms “taxi” and “Mexico City” immediately after the initial comment that the taxi in Mexico City is far cheaper than in other large cities around the world, you will find information (usually bolded, underlined or, if the web designer fell into coma in early 90s, blinking) about […]

Viva … not the wrong title this time … Mexico

This time I can proudly say: “Viva Mexico”. Thanks to some unusual circumstances I was sent, with a symbolic 3 days advance notice, to Mexico. Truth be told, I’m staying in what is probably the most un-Mexican part of Mexico, a Mexico City’s Santa Fe area, but still, it’s the passport stamp that counts.

A day at the beach

The rest of the stay in Chicago went by in a relative routine consisting of work and walking around the city (although I’d say more of the latter than former). Talking about walking, one of the first things I’ve done upon arrival was to buy one of those tiny actibity tracking gadgets called Fitbit. That […]