A day at home

After the return from holidays, I spent one whole day at home. Huraaaah! Just so that I don’t relax too much, I packed my bags and flew off to the country well known for it’s vast spaces, low prices and virtually neverending fun. Yes, you guessed it right, I’m talking about Luxembourg. To make things […]

We are back!

After 10 days of running around airports, hotels and various places we came back home. All in all, it was fun, exhausting and, as usual, too short. Hard disks are loaded with photos and short movies so it will take some time to filter it out (a lot of garbage there) and put together after […]

Full Circle

We came back to Reykjavik today after completing the full 3000 km circle. Tomorrow off to Copenhagen and then home

Iceland- part 3

So, internet access works OK now since the hotel chain we are using provides free WiFi. That should take care of that at least until we reach Reykjavik again. Today we were a bit more lucky with the weather so we “only” had occassional rain but no fog which was killing us yesterday,We started from […]

Iceland-part 2

Although somewhat expected, internet is not very accessible on Iceland. It doesn’t matter though since by the time we reach the hotel for the day, we are both dead tired. The first day after Reykjavik we went onto Golden Circle route covering geysers, waterfalls etc. all the time suffering from strong wind which just wouldn’t […]

On our way

So, we are on our way to Iceland. We are quite tired as we had to get up pretty early and considering we have a 3 hour gap between flights here in Vienna, we’ll probably be dead by the end of the day. The start of the day was quite stressful since we arrived to […]

Over and Out

Jucer sam se vratio s svojeg zadnjeg “sluzbenog” puta u Kijev. Pod navodnicima mislim da je to zadnji normalno planirani put obuhvacen planom za cijelu pricu. Da li cu ili ne ici opet tamo uglavnom ovisi o tome kako ce se stvari tamo razvijati. Nadam se da ce sve biti OK te da nece biti […]