Audio streamer for cheapskates

Straight from the “Too much free time” category. A year or so ago my Logitech Squeezebox (the original version) died which pissed me off quite a bit since that was one of the more useful gadgets in the house. It was streaming internet radio as well as the media library from the PC. As if […]


To be honest, contrasts can be found in pretty much any city. New all-glass-and-steel tower built amidst old houses or businessmen wearing thousand dollar suits walking past homeless people on the street, you name it – it’s all there. When it comes to overall quality of life, in Europe, it looks to me, it degrades […]

Making Good From the Bad

Woke up early morning today by a throbbing headache. It happens from time to time and is quite unpleasant, especially if during the day ahead you have to go to work all daz at client’s office and then drive 3 hours to get back home. Anyway, since it was just after the sunrise, the light […]

You gotta be kidding!

It is truly unbelievable what happens with the price of internet access in various hotels. While on one side number of hotels, mainly smaller ones, provide access for small or, more often than not, no fee at all, larger hotel chains  “with reputation” charge ridiculous amounts. Since for the current stay in Luxembourg the hotel […]

Roadhouse Blues

I’ve always felt a huge frustration that there’s so much good music around that I don’t know of. Perhaps I’ve heard a song I liked on the radio once, then once or twice more, then perhaps they would even mention a name of the band. Then I’d go to a record store, rummage the shelves […]

Shady character

I flew today, as I have done over past three months, to Luxembourg (hopefully the last visit if things remain as originally planned). Considering holidays are almost here and my alcohol stash at home is dangerously low (believe it or not, mostly because the chemical structure has suspiciously changed, so even though technically it might […]

Pusaci jos malo pa popusili

Dakle, manevarski prostor za pusace definitivno se smanjuje svakim danom (i u svakom pogledu). Kako sam ove godine uglavnom picio u Kijev i iz njega te letio uglavnom preko Austrije, nisam to toliko primjetio jer u Austriji pusenje jos nije smrtni grijeh. Istina, imaju one odvratne prostorije u plexiglasu gdje izoliraju nepodobne i u istim […]