
The last full day in Dublin went by in a mixture of museum visits, visit to Jameson destillery (minus actual 14 EUR tour of the same, hey, I’m cheap) and some gifts shopping. So, the day of return came and long story short, it took us total of 17 hours to get home! It was […]


Well, we sure got burned yesterday with our trip out of town, but we concluded it was a strategic mistake and decided to make another trip, but this time doing it our way. Browsing through number of leaflets we picked up on the Dublin bus station, we saw that there is a frequent bus line […]

Dublin-Out of town trip

Today we’ve decided to give a try to an “organized” tourist activities. Personally, I was always against those things but considering that organizing something like that on my own would take considerable time and effort, I decided to do it lazy way. So, after morning coffee and a walk around the city, we sat on […]

Dublin-The Tour

We woke up relatively late on the second day (“it’s Sunday”) and went out in search for the morning coffee. It was raining a bit, so sitting somewhere outside was not an option. Since we thought (wrongly as it turned out later) that there’s no Starbucks in Dublin, we got coffee from the local version […]


Finally we arrived around 9 PM local time. It’s amazing it may take up to 12 hours to get from Zagreb to Dublin. Sure, it could go a lot faster but it would also be a lot more expensive. The drive to Budapest was uneventful but at least, somewhat unusualy for us, we were there […]