James Bond – Behind the scenes

Right after I took this photo of the Hummer, I heard yelling behind me. After few seconds of unsuccessfully ignoring the voice I turned around and saw a young guy perhaps 20 meters away standing behind the wall asking me, and not in a pleasant way,  what did I take that picture for. So I […]


To be honest, contrasts can be found in pretty much any city. New all-glass-and-steel tower built amidst old houses or businessmen wearing thousand dollar suits walking past homeless people on the street, you name it – it’s all there. When it comes to overall quality of life, in Europe, it looks to me, it degrades […]

Market Day

To be honest, going to a market is not something you will see me doing if I can avoid it. Usually, instead I can be found if not in bed, still fast asleep, then at least sipping morning coffee in a nearby caffe while my “better half” does the shopping. I know number of people […]

Drive-by shooting

So, the scenario goes like this: you arrive to another continent, to a country you’ve never been to before and which is so much different to what you are used to seeing, that you are eager to see, experience and record as much as possible. Some people who know you feel sorry for you, others […]

Lazy weekend

Although we had some plans for the weekend (my “roomie” and myself) nothing really happened since the arrangement with the driver which was supposed to take us to and from city center kind of fell through. We could in theory somehow got hold of taxi but to be honest, didn’t really feel like it  (probably […]

The list (slowly) expands

Since the list of countries visited so far expanded a bit since the last time I’ve done the count I thought I’d include updated map as well. It’s still just short of 14% of countries in the world so I still have a long way to go. Oh, and note a not-so-subtle hint on where […]