A day at the beach

The rest of the stay in Chicago went by in a relative routine consisting of work and walking around the city (although I’d say more of the latter than former). Talking about walking, one of the first things I’ve done upon arrival was to buy one of those tiny actibity tracking gadgets called Fitbit. That […]

Lights! … Camera! … Action!

Although no part of my existence provides even slightest bit of movie material, reading bunch of words I’ve written below I wondered whether I can break it down into, let’s call it that way, a movie structure. Think of it as one of those long european movies describing mundane existence at the end of which […]

High level celebration

Having a job which involves quite a bit of traveling, it’s inevitable that at some point you’ll find yourself away when you’d rather be at home. Case in point, on my 30th birthday (roughly at the time of the dinosaur extinction) it was Saturday of the weekend I spent in a client’s office on a […]

Cold weather and hot music

Anyway, it took me few days to get over new biorhythm and with that to get back to my regular cycle of going to sleep way too late and suffering badly getting up in the morning. Another thing which guaranteed to tear apart any kind of routine was the fact that the hotel I stayed […]

Viva Las … oops, wrong title

So. About a year and half since I read an email from my boss while sitting in the Belgrade hotel lobby, asking me how do I feel about working on projects in US, here I am working on the project in US (btw, my reply was that she knows very well how much of a […]