A day at home

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After the return from holidays, I spent one whole day at home. Huraaaah!

Just so that I don’t relax too much, I packed my bags and flew off to the country well known for it’s vast spaces, low prices and virtually neverending fun.

Yes, you guessed it right, I’m talking about Luxembourg.

To make things even better, I’ll be spending 2 weeks in Lux and 2 weeks at home over the period of next 3 months. Double Huraaah!

All that assuming I don’t break down from exhaustion trying to keep up with all the entertainment this country is famous for, in which case I might have to abort the whole thing.

And by the way, have you noticed that the flag of Luxembourg looks like the Croatian one with washed-out colors and coat of arms lost in a washing machine?

On a less sarcastic note, it appears that so far I have been to 29 different countries, which makes rather measly 12,8% of the total count

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