Dublin-The Tour

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We woke up relatively late on the second day (“it’s Sunday”) and went out in search for the morning coffee. It was raining a bit, so sitting somewhere outside was not an option. Since we thought (wrongly as it turned out later) that there’s no Starbucks in Dublin, we got coffee from the local version of Starbucks (ambitiously named “Insomnia”) and went for a walk (in the end Insomnia makes much better coffeeIMG_4883 than Starbucks).
First we walked aimlessly just to get oriented a bit. Along the way we run into street circus festival with some interesting folks doing their stuff. Also found a great photo gallery and a bookshop with bunch of photo-related books but unfortunately those were a bit too pricy.

After visiting few shops (yes, they do work on Sunday) we went for a “poor man’s walking tour”. Specific walking routes can be found in any tourist office so we decided to use it for a self-guided tour. It’s convenient, it’s free so if you don’t mind missing some information you’d normally get from a guide, it’s a perfect way to see the city. You should however, resign to the fact that your feet will be swollen after few hours, and soles of your shoes will be somewhat closer to expiration date once you’re done.
Few hours later we had enough and got seriously hungry so to defy tradition of living on snacks and fast food on such trips, we decided to have a real meal in a real restaurant.

Although I’m not much of a “foodie” the food was a bit dissapointing. Mine was relatively OK, but Branka’s sheperd’s pie was a disaster, esecially compared to the one we had in London few months back.

It was still an early evening so even though we were dead tired already, it seemed weird to go back to the room so early, especially since daylight lasts quite long these days. So, to be proper tourists we went to a touristy pub on Temple Bar, the major tourist trap in Dublin and had beers (and when I say “beer” I mean “Guiness” of course). Sure, Guiness is good, but the pub was crowded and waaay too hot for me so we didn’t stick around for too long.

After a bit more wandering around we went back to a hotel where Branka performed her passing out routine, while I spent few more hours backing up photos and surfing the internet in the hotel lobby

As in the previous post, above is randomly chosen photo taken during the day

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