James Bond – Behind the scenes

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JBondRight after I took this photo of the Hummer, I heard yelling behind me.

After few seconds of unsuccessfully ignoring the voice I turned around and saw a young guy perhaps 20 meters away standing behind the wall asking me, and not in a pleasant way,  what did I take that picture for. So I answered calmly that it’s a beautiful car and that I thought it was worth taking a photo of it. Since it was a bit hard to understand what he was saying, against my better judgment, I walked back towards him while keeping waist-high wall and some five meters distance between us. He kept saying that I shouldn’t be taking pictures and that I should delete the photo from the camera. Not being in a mood for a fight (nor in a position really since it was pretty empty part of town with me, that guy and few of his buddies further back behind him but not involved in the conversation) I said, OK, I’ll delete the photo. At that point, his face broke into the huge smile and he said he was just kidding. We shook hands (everyone is shaking hands there, all the time), talked for few minutes and then I left thinking how my impression of people in Accra as being very friendly remains unchanged.

I just added a mental note that they can be pranksters as well.

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