My next job – Tour guide

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The tag line will be: “We’ll get you there – no matter what”.

One day after work in Malta I decided to go to St. Julian’s but couldn’t bother checking which bus to take, where from etc. Instead, I decided to take a walk even though it was extremely hot and humid outside.


Walking along the coast would take forever, so a quick look at the map suggested the most direct route.

Simple walking route

Uphill, then a bit to the right and a sharp left. Total of cca 1km.

How hard can it be?

Let’s take a look


Simple walking route

Green line represents my real movement

At this point however, I had a feeling I should have taken left turn at the beginning (yellow line) and should therefore correct the route

So, I corrected the sh#t out of it

I kept pushing although it didn't feel quite right      (In my defense, by this time I was practically delirious thanks to the uphill walk in a temperature of gazillion degrees)

And...kept pushing until I ended up in a dead end street with nothing but highway in front of me.

Exhausted and pissed off, I decided to go back but walk downhill only no matter what, assuming it will take me back to where I started. Orange line and dot represent where I expected to be while green line and the dot show where I actually was.

Imagine my surprise realizing that by trying to get back to where I started, I actually ended where I was going to in the first place.  Ignoring a tiny detour I took, it went rather smoothly :)

Yes, I know.

I’m an idiot.

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