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Upon the arrival to Copenhagen we’ve checked into our little hotel and went out for a walk which ended around 10 PM and culminated in collapsing into our beds. Hotel was actually quite nice but everything is crammed into unbelievable small room.

Today started by getting up at 5 AM. No comment. Thanks to precise train schedule in Denmark and the fact I know my way around Copenhagen quite well we arrived to the airport quite quickly, and thanks to Frequent Flyer card we managed to do the check-in even quicker (and no, I’m not on Star Alliance payroll but it’s hard to describe the advantage of getting checked-in in few minutes as opposed to waiting in cue for an hour)

20080815-IMG_1260-maliUpon the arrival to Copenhagen we’ve checked into our ittle hotel and went out for a walk which ended around 10 PM and culminated in collapsing into our beds. Hotel was actually quite nice but everything is crammed into unbelievable small room.

Today started by getting up at 5 AM. No comment. Thanks to precise train schedule in Denmark and the fact I know my way around Copenhagen quite well we arrived to the airport quite quickly, and thanks to Frequent Flyer card we managed to do the check-in even quicker (and no, I’m not on Star Alliance payroll but it’s hard to describe the advantage of getting checked-in in few minutes as opposed to waiting in cue for an hour)

While Branka has watched a movie and read brochures during our 3 hour flight, trained during cotinuous flying I slept through the whole thing.

To our great delight, the airport bus dropped us off in front of the hotel which turned out to be nicer than expected, but then again with the price like that, it better.

As usual, we left the luggage in the hotel and went out. As for the city itself, don’t let anybody tell you how great Reykjavik is. It’s not. While it is interesting to see a new place, it is really a bit bigger town good part of which is quite unattractive. The temperature of about 12 degrees with constant wind didn’t help much (I was just wondering what my body might be thinking considering only 48 hours ago it was “enjoying” 30+ temperature in Zagreb)

We also had one of the worst pizzas ever during the day. It was waaaay to oily and we hated the Blue Cheese we chose to have in it (still feel it in the stomach),

Now it’s around 10 PM and I plan to wake Branka up since she dozed off, so that we can check the  famous Reykjavik weekend night life which can supposedly be quite interesting (key words are: blondes, alcohol, promiscuity). All that for the sake of academic curiosity 🙂

Tomorrow again, getting up early, picking up a car and hitting the road. The idea is to go through so called Golden Circle.

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