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IMG_4839 Finally we arrived around 9 PM local time. It’s amazing it may take up to 12 hours to get from Zagreb to Dublin. Sure, it could go a lot faster but it would also be a lot more expensive.

The drive to Budapest was uneventful but at least, somewhat unusualy for us, we were there on time. Our plan to take all of our stuff as carry-ons failed since a guy at the check-in informed us that the flights are full so we accepted the fact that the bags will be late in Dublin since there was no chance they could reload it from one plane to another in just 45 minutes in Paris. In the end, to our great surprise, they actualy managed to do it and we got it in Dublin without problems.

We had a bit of a problem in the hotel because it seemed that the room they gave us was still kind of a “renovation in progress” so some things were missing there but we could live with that. What we couldn’t live with was the fact that the door could not be closed. Not “locked” but “closed”. At all. But we got another room dropped our bags and went out.

Thanks to my super-human organisational abilities (I’m modest too), the hotel is very close to city center so it only took few minutes to get there which was a good thing considering it was after 10 PM, we were dead tired and starving so there were plenty of fast-food choices.

The food knocked us out completely so we had no other choice but to go back to hotel after a brief walk around. It was a bit weird being the only couple walking in the opposite direction everyone else is going in since it was Saturday night and the massive migration towards main party quarter, Temple Bar, was in progress.
Back in the room Branka wasted no time falling asleep while I went down to the lobby with my seriously retro Asus eee to check e-mails. Contrary to what’s been said on the web, all rooms do not have internet.

At one point I realized I was sleeping with my eyes open and hands on the keyboard so it seemed like a good idea to get some sleep.

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